Euro cybercop Oerting to helm Global Cyber Alliance

Troels Oerting, the Danish cyberspook who once ran Europol’s EC3 cybercrime center, is to helm the Global Cyber Alliance, a New York-based transatlantic nonprofit that works with law enforcement and the private sector.
The alliance said in a statement this week that Oerting — currently CSO and CISO of Barclays banking group — would start his one-year term as the nonprofit’s chairman of the board on Jan. 1.
For 11 years before taking the job at Barclays, Oerting worked for Europol — the European police coordination agency based in the Hague. He was head of EC3, the European Cybercrime Centre, at its founding 2013.
He began his career with the Danish police in 1980, according to his official biography, and later headed up operations for the country’s security and intelligence service.
“I look forward to my year as chairman,” said Oerting in a statement, lauding the “tremendous strides” the alliance has made in developing projects “that will have dramatic impact on the state of cybersecurity.”
He praised the group’s focus “systemic cyber risk,” calling it “an issue that every organization – large or small, public or private – needs to address for themselves, their customers and to improve the digital world we all live in.”
Oerting was not immediately available for comment.
Philip Reitinger, the alliance’s president and CEO, said the chairman was selected by a vote of the four-member board.
Reitinger praised Oerting’s “experience and wisdom,” citing his “deep understanding” of the different roles of law enforcement and financial institutions.
“His passion to make a difference in cyber risk will ensure success,” Reitinger added.