Meet the 2018 Leet List

So much of cybersecurity goes beyond the ones and zeros.
Be it through government policy, private sector innovation, technology startups or security research, people from all walks of life are pushing the industry to keep up with technology’s growing impact in every facet of our lives.
The all-encompassing, ever-changing facets of cybersecurity have inspired CyberScoop to create the Leet List. We have selected individuals from all walks of the security industry to speak about the impact they are having on how society protects itself in the digital realm.
We decided to name this feature the “Leet List” as a play on the internet slang known as “leetspeak.” Originally used to describe the technical skills of early hackers, “leet” (or 1337) has since become shorthand for elite.
This “leet” group of experts offered CyberScoop a look at how they approach their jobs, the ups and downs of the current state of affairs and how cybersecurity will change in the years ahead.
We hope the Leet List inspires our readers to think beyond the binaries, driving people to make a significant impact on security in the future.
A full index of our list can be found here.
The 2018 Leet List:
- Keith Alexander — CEO & President, IronNet Networks
- Galina Antova – Co-founder & Chief Business Development Officer, Claroty
- John Bambenek – VP of Security Research and Intelligence, ThreatSTOP
- Ann Barron-DiCamillo – VP of Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Reponse, American Express
- Justine Bone – CEO, MedSec
- Sergio Caltagirone – Director of Threat Intelligence, Dragos
- Charles Carmakal – VP, Mandiant
- Eva Chen – CEO, Trend Micro
- Sandy Clark – Computer Scientist, University of Pennsylvania’s SECLAB
- Betsy Cooper – Aspen Institute & Albright Stonebridge Group
- Emery Csulak – CISO, Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Ron Deibert – Director, Citizen Lab
- Nicole Eagan – CEO, Darktrace
- Stina Ehrensvärd – CEO, Yubico
- Chris Krebs – Under Secretary for DHS’s National Protection and Programs Directorate
- Rep. Jim Langevin
- Rep. Ted Lieu
- Jeanette Manfra — Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, DHS
- Matt Masterson – Senior Adviser, DHS
- Andrea Matwyshyn – Co-director, Northeastern University’s Center for Law, Innovation and Creativity
- Theresa Meadows – CIO, Cook Children’s Health Care System
- Katie Moussouris – CEO, Luta Security
- Lt. Col Nadine Nally – Battalion Commander, 781st Military Intelligence Battalion, U.S. Army
- Wendy Nather – Director for Advisory CISOs, Duo Security
- Runa Sandvik – Senior Director of Information Security, New York Times
- Jacquelyn Schneider – Assistant Professor, Naval War College
- Jennifer Steffens – CEO, IOActive
- Parisa Tabriz – Director of Engineering, Google
- Chris Vickery – Director of Cyber Risk Research, UpGuard
- Sen. Mark Warner
- Heather West – Senior Policy Manager, Mozilla
- Ellison Anne Williams – CEO, EnVeil
- Sen. Ron Wyden
- Yan Zhu – CISO, Brave